Tip Calculator: How much to Tip a Server at a US Restaurant?

Did you know that tipping at restaurants became a practice in the USA only in the late 19th Century? Even then, it had to contend with the anti-tipping movement and anti-tipping laws!
Today, while tipping might be a common practice in American restaurants, it is still banned at a few restaurants.
The major factor that determines the tip amount is mostly the value of the bill (70%). Quality of service is only a distant second motivator. Also, some studies suggest that attractive women waitresses get more tips than others.
There are a few countries like Japan, Switzerland, South Korea, Brazil and Denmark where you are not expected to tip. While some of these countries add service charges along with the bill negating the need to tip waiters separately, in others, tips are a cultural taboo.
Restaurants that have opened post-Covid19 lockdown have to comply with lockdown and social distancing rules that reduced the number of dine-in customers to around quarter of what was before the outbreak. Customers are also slow to come back to restaurants, due to the pandemic.
After the coronavirus outbreak, some restaurants have closed down due to shortage of labor. So the servers who choose to come to the restaurants expect a higher tip. The tipping culture is here to stay, and, as a diner you ought to know how much you could tip and how much people who’ve spent as much as you, generally tip.
Tip Calculator
That’s why this tip calculator offered by culinaryschools.org is very useful. When you enter details like total bill amount, no. of people sharing the bill, service quality, and tip percentage, this tip calculator calculates the total bill and tip amounts for each person. Check it out!