My First Novel has been Published as an eBook!

Disclaimer: This is a general post, not related to Computer Networking/IT Technologies.

If you were wondering why I’ve not been active on this blog for sometime, it’s because I was busy writing a novel! This story is titled – ‘The Archers Revenge’ and has been published as an eBook on Amazon Kindle.

Here’s the link for the product page: (Click this link to get more details about the book).

If any of you have a Kindle, that’s the best way to read it. (It’s an excellent device for reading – I read white papers on Kindle). Even otherwise, you can read it on your Tablet, Computer/Laptop or Smart phone (if the screen is large enough) via free Amazon apps.

I am doing a free promo from June 01 – 03. Hence, you can buy it for free, on these three days. You can read it anytime – it will be stored safely on the Amazon cloud for you to access it later on.

Go ahead and read it, if you are in the habit of reading novels. Even otherwise, it’s a good past time/habit to develop 🙂

Now that this novel has been published, I will be more active on this blog. Promise 🙂

Rajesh K

Administrator & Blogger,