What to expect in a Managed Virtual Private Server Hosting Provider

Important factors you need to look for with a managed server hosting provider

A Managed Server (VPS) Hosting provider’s main advantage is the ability to set up and allocate resources for your server. They maintain the Server OS and web-panel (including updates and backups) while you focus on the website/app content and functionality that is critical for your business.

Cloud Hosting has become the norm these days not only because it’s inexpensive but also as it offers the ease to scale up or down on-demand. Buying, allocating personnel, setting up, and running over-configured servers on-premise is expensive not only for small businesses but also for mid-tier ones.

Here are a few things you can expect with a Managed VPS Hosting provider:

  • The capacity of the server allocated for you (CPU, RAM, SSD space, etc.) is dedicated to you and is not shared with others.
  • A human resource (Shared Virtual Assistant) is available to you on-demand for infrastructure/server related support.
  • Server management tasks like OS/web-panel installation and up-gradation is undertaken regularly by the provider. Some even do regular backups of your entire server and do on-demand restores.
  • Server Uptime Monitoring & Performance tuning is done by them to make sure your website visitors have the best possible experience without much slowness or downtime.
  • They provide your server with multi-channel bandwidth with automatic failover.
  • Test and upgrade third-party packages as and when required.
  • Allow you to buy and cancel server space anytime you want – based on your business requirements.
  • Have datacenters in the US & Europe to keep your servers closer, and hence be faster in your target market.
  • Install and support free and open-source software like Ubuntu, RunCloud, etc. in addition to popular but licensed web–panel software like cPanel.

These are a few important factors you need to look for with a managed server hosting provider.